(A)   The village hereby adopts a formal policy pertaining to a permissible leave of absence from duty by full-time fire and police officers.
   (B)   The village hereby grants the authority to the Fire and Police Commission to adopt a formal policy of a leave of absence pursuant to the following guidelines.
      (1)   A leave of absence shall be granted for duty related disability or military service reasons.
      (2)   A leave of absence may be granted for other reasons including, but not limited to, allowing officers to pursue other career opportunities in law enforcement.
      (3)   All leaves of absence shall require the following:
         (a)   Approval from the Director of Public Safety;
         (b)   Approval by a majority vote of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners; and
         (c)   Approval by majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
      (4)   A leave of absence may only be granted for a period of two years; however, an individual may request an extension by filing a petition with the Director of Public Safety, who in turn shall submit the petition to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners for approval by majority vote.
      (5)   Any additional guidelines that the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners may see fit to adopt.
(Prior Code, § 32.10) (Ord. 94-9, passed 11-7-1994)