§ 155.341 PURPOSE.
   Through the adoption and enforcement of this subchapter, the city shall promote the general health, safety, and welfare of its residents by both conserving and protecting wetlands and requiring sound management practices as provided for in the WCA when development occurs in the vicinity of wetlands. It is the intent of this subchapter to avoid the alteration and destruction of wetlands. Through the implementation of this subchapter, the city seeks to accomplish the following purposes:
   (A)   Balance the need to preserve and protect natural resources and systems with both the rights of private property owners and the need to support the efficient use of developable land within the city;
   (B)   Promote water quality by maintaining the ability of wetlands to recharge ground water and receive the discharge of ground water, to prevent soil erosion, and to retain sediment, nutrients and toxicants in wetland buffer strip areas before it discharges into community wetlands, lakes and streams, thus avoiding the contamination and eutrophication of these water features;
   (C)   Reduce human disturbances to wetlands by providing a visual and physical transition from surrounding yards; and
   (D)   Provide wildlife habitat and thereby support the maintenance of diversity of both plant and animal species within the city.
(Ord. 0408, passed 12-14-04)