(a)    All notices or other City matters required to be advertised by any law of the State or by the Charter or any ordinance of the City, or by resolution of Council, shall, unless it is otherwise expressly provided, be published in two newspapers of opposite politics published and of general circulation in the City.
   (b)    The price to be paid by the City for publication of notices or other City matters shall not exceed the price fixed for publications by the West Virginia Code. When required, the publisher shall furnish an affidavit in proof of the publication without any additional cost to the City.
   (c)    If no newspaper, such as is mentioned in subsection (a) hereof, will execute such publication at or within the price fixed in subsection (b) hereof, or if only one such newspaper will so execute it, then such publication shall be made in one or two other newspapers, as the case may be, published in or of general circulation in the City, which will make publication at or within the price fixed by subsection (b) hereof, regardless of the provisions of subsection (a) hereof.
(1972 Code §2-2-6 to 2-2-8)