(a)    General Prohibitions.  Only domestic sewage shall be allowed to enter the sanitary sewer system. No rain water, ground water from downspouts, yard drains, springs or otherwise shall be connected so as to drain, discharge or be pumped into the sanitary sewer. No discharge from any chemical works or any other processing industrial or manufacturing establishment, other than domestic sewage, shall be connected with any sanitary sewer except under special regulations approved by Council providing against the formation of obstructions in the sewer lines, and against interference with treatment of sewage at the wastewater treatment plant.
   (b)    Oil and Other Flammable Liquids.  No person shall discharge any oil or other flammable liquid into any sanitary sewer in the City. Oil or flammable liquids shall not be poured on streets or places where it could drain into the sanitary sewer system. However, nothing in this section shall prevent the use of waste oil as a dust suppressant on unsurfaced streets, when applied by or under the supervision of the City.
   (c)    Oil Pits. No owner or occupant of any property used as a garage, repair shop, service station, cleaning and dyeing plant or any other establishment used for similar purposes, shall maintain or permit to be maintained on such property any oil drain pit connected to the City sanitary sewer. (Passed 10-21-80. )