(a) General Prohibition. No person shall operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum specified in West Virginia Code Article 17C-17 upon any street or highway within the Municipality, except pursuant to special written permit issued by the Commissioner of Highways or the City Manager. Every such permit shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any police officer.
No holder of a permit issued by the Commissioner of Highways shall be required to obtain any local permit or license or pay any local fee or charge for movement on any State route within the Municipality; however, it shall be unlawful to operate any such vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any roadway within the Municipality which is not a State route except as provided in subsection (c) hereof. (Passed 10-19-82.)
(b) Limitation on Local Streets.
(1) Generally. No person shall operate any truck, tractor, traction engine, commercial vehicle or other vehicle designed or used for the transportation of merchandise or freight having a gross weight, including load, of more than 10,000 pounds upon or over any street or alley within the City which is unimproved, unpaved or surfaced with gravel, cinders or like material. No person shall operate any such vehicle having a gross weight, including load, of more than 14,000 pounds upon or over any other street or alley within the City, providing that any commercial vehicle delivering or obtaining product or inventory from a local business; moving vans transporting furniture; or concrete truck or other vehicle used in construction of houses or businesses, may exceed 14,000 lb. limit herein and further providing that in no event shall such vehicle exceed 40,000 lbs. without obtaining a permit as described in Section 347.03.
(Ord. 2003-4. Passed 3-4-03.)
(2) Signs. Limitations as to weight as herein imposed shall be designated by appropriate signs.
(3) Permit to exceed weight limitations; emergency permits. Council may, in its discretion, upon application in writing, issue a special permit authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle of a weight exceeding the maximum provided for in subsection (b)(1) hereof upon any street or alley in the City. In case of emergency, such permit may be issued by the Mayor without action by Council, but such permit shall not be valid beyond the next regular meeting of Council after the emergency permit is issued. Any conditions or limitations upon the operation of any vehicle necessary to assure against undue damage to any such street or alley may be imposed upon the issuance of such permit. No person shall violate any of the terms or conditions of such permit and any such violation shall be grounds for revocation of the permit by the authority granting the same.
(4) Bond may be required. As a further condition for the granting of any special permit authorized by subsection (b)(3) hereof, Council or the officer issuing the same may require the applicant to enter into bond in such penalty and with such surety as Council or the officer shall deem sufficient and conditioned to save the City harmless from any damage which the City might sustain or incur by reason of the operation by the applicant which would be destructive of or damage to any street or alley in the City to such an extent that the costs of repair or maintenance thereof would be more than the average costs of repairs or maintenance of other streets or alleys of like type and construction in the City.
(5) Application to City vehicle. The weight limitations imposed by subsection (b)(1) hereof shall not apply to any vehicle operated by the City nor to any vehicle operated under a permit granted by the City.
(6) Application to State roads or highways within City. This section shall not apply to any State road or highway situated within the City or to the following streets providing access to the Quaker State Oil Refining Corporation Plant, namely, Court Lane or streets from its junction with West Virginia State Route No. 2 near Creel Street to the junction with Court Lane to the entrance of the Quaker State Oil Refining Corporation Plant.
(7) Penalty. Any violation of this ordinance shall subject the violator, upon conviction thereof, to a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) or imprisonment of not more than thirty days, or both fine and imprisonment. (Passed 10-19-82.)
(a) No passenger-type vehicle shall be operated on any street or highway with any load carried thereon extending beyond the line of the fenders of the left side of such vehicle nor extending more than six inches beyond the line of the fenders on the right side thereof.
(b) A motor home, travel trailer or truck camper may exceed the maximum width prescribed in Section 347.03, if the excess width is attributable to an appurtenance that does not exceed more than six inches beyond the body of the vehicle.
(WVaC 17C-17-3)
(a) A vehicle, including any load thereon, may not exceed a height of thirteen feet six inches, but the owner or owners of such vehicles shall be responsible for damage to any bridge or highway structure and to municipalities for any damage to traffic control devices or other highway structures where such bridges, devices or structures have a vehicle clearance of less than thirteen feet six inches.
(b) A motor vehicle, including any load thereon, may not exceed a length of forty feet extreme overall dimension, inclusive of front and rear bumpers, except that a motor home and school bus may not exceed a length of forty-five feet, exclusive of front and rear bumpers.
(c) Except as hereinafter provided in this subsection or in subsection (d) of this section, a combination of vehicles coupled together may not consist of more than two units and no combination of vehicles including any load thereon shall have an overall length, inclusive of front and rear bumpers, in excess of fifty-five feet except as provided in West Virginia Code 17C-17-11b, and except as otherwise provided in respect to the use of a pole trailer as authorized in West Virginia Code 17C-17-5. The limitation that a combination of vehicles coupled together may not consist of more than two units may not apply to:
(1) A combination of vehicles coupled together by a saddle-mount device used to transport motor vehicles in a drive-away service when no more than three saddle mounts are used, if equipment used in the combination meets the requirements of the safety regulations of the United States Department of Transportation and may not exceed an overall length of more than seventy- five feet; or
(2) A combination of vehicles coupled together, one of which is a travel trailer or folding camping trailer having an overall length, exclusive of front and rear bumpers, not exceeding sixty-five feet.
(d) A combination of two vehicles coupled together, one of which is a motor home, or a combination of vehicles coupled together, one of which is a travel trailer or folding camping trailer, may not exceed an overall length, exclusive of front and rear bumpers of sixty-five feet.
(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this section, the Commissioner of Highways may designate, upon his or her own motion or upon the petition of an interested party, a combination vehicle length not to exceed seventy feet.
(f) The length limitations for truck tractor-semitrailer combinations and truck tractor- semitrailer-trailer combinations operating on the national system of interstate and defense highways and those classes of qualifying federal-aid primary system highways so designated by the United States Secretary of Transportation and those highways providing reasonable access to and from terminals, facilities for food, fuel, repairs and rest and points of loading and unloading for household goods carriers from such highways and further, as to other highways so designated by the West Virginia Commissioner of Highways, shall be as follows: the maximum length of a semitrailer unit operating in a truck tractor-semitrailer combination shall not exceed forty-eight feet in length except where semitrailers have an axle spacing of not more than thirty-seven feet between the rear axle of the truck tractor and the front axle of the semitrailer, such semitrailer shall be allowed to be not more than fifty-three feet in length and the maximum length of any semitrailer or trailer operating in a truck tractor-semitrailer-trailer combination may not exceed twenty-eight feet in length and in no event shall any combinations exceed three units, including the truck tractor: provided, that nothing herein contained shall impose an overall length limitation as to commercial motor vehicles operating in truck tractor-semitrailer or truck tractor-semitrailer- trailer combinations. (WVaC 17C-17-4)
(g) The total outside width, exclusive of safety equipment authorized by the United States Department of Transportation, of any vehicle or the load thereon may not exceed ninety-six inches, except as otherwise provided in West Virginia Code Article 17C-17: provided, that any vehicle with a total outside width of 102 inches, exclusive of safety equipment authorized by the United States Department of Transportation, may be operated on any street or highway designated by the United States Department of Transportation or the Commissioner of the Department of Highways or on any street or highway having a minimum lane width of ten feet.
(h) Motor homes, travel trailers, truck campers, and motor buses with a total outside width of 102 inches, excluding safety equipment authorized by the United States Department of Transportation may operate on any street or highway.
(WVaC 17C-17-2)