(a)    The Chief of the Fire Department and the Director of Public Service and Safety are authorized to enter into mutual aid contracts with other political entities located in the surrounding geographic area of the City of St. Marys to provide for mutual aid for firefighting and ambulance services.
   (b)    Such authority is given so long as no monetary consideration is involved in the execution of such contracts, and that such contracts provide that such other political entities will provide similar services to the City of St. Marys in time of emergencies in consideration for the City of St. Marys agreeing to provide aid to such other contracting political entity when that entity has an emergency.
   (c)    Such contracts may further provide for reimbursement of expenses in the case mutual aid is provided and that employees of the City of St. Marys participating in such municipal aid will be engaged in authorized services on behalf of the City and will be entitled to all protections and benefits that go with such service.
(Ord. 94-01. Passed 2-28-94. )