(a)   The Safety-Service Director is hereby authorized and directed to establish, at the time of an application being made for purposes of a zoning change, or vacation or narrowing of a public right of way, the estimated cost of advertising and processing of the request, and the applicant therein shall be required to deposit with the City the estimated costs therein.
   (b)   In the event of the refusal by the City to take the action requested, the unused portion of the deposit made with the City shall be returned to the applicant. If the Council does approve the request therein the deposit shall be applied to the costs. If the deposit is not sufficient to cover the entire cost, which shall include the advertising for public hearings and also the advertising of the ordinances for the change, the applicant must deposit with the City the difference, but if the deposit exceeds the actual costs, the City shall return the unused portion of the deposit to the applicant.
(Ord. 73-2. Passed 2-26-73.)