(a)   Ohio Administrative Code 4101:1 - the Ohio Building Code; and 4101:2 - the Ohio Mechanical Code and Ohio Administrative Code 4101:3 - the Ohio Plumbing Code as promulgated by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, shall apply and be enforced within the City of St. Marys, Ohio, with the exception that the Ohio Plumbing Code will be enforced by the Auglaize County Board of Health.
   (b)   This chapter shall be in full force and effect from and after the earliest period permitted by law following promulgation of the Ohio Building Code and Ohio Mechanical Code, and Ohio Plumbing Code by the Board of Building Standards through the certification process, adoption and effective date of certification issued by the Ohio Board of Building Standards.
   (c)   The Director of Public Service and Safety is hereby authorized and directed to sign and submit an application to the Ohio Board of Building Standards requesting said Board to certify the City of St. Marys as a Sub-Department of Auglaize County Building Department for enforcement of the Ohio State Building Codes with the condition that the Miami County Building Department exercise the enforcement authority as necessary in accordance with the Ohio State Building Codes within the limits of said City for commercial structures in accordance with the executed agreement between the Auglaize County Commissioners and the Miami County Commissioners.
(Ord. 2017-04. Passed 1-23-17.)