For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms are defined below:
   (a)   AQUIFER. A geological formation, group of formations or part of a formation composed of rock, sand or gravel capable of storing and yielding groundwater to wells and springs.
   (b)   CONTAMINATION. An impairment of water quality by chemicals, radionuclides, biologic organisms, or other extraneous matter whether or not it affects the potential or intended beneficial use of water.
   (c)   DEVELOPMENT. The carrying out of any construction, reconstruction, alteration of surface or structure or change ofland use or intensity of use.
   (d)   FACILITY. Something that is built, installed, or established for a particular purpose.
   (e)   GREY WATER. All domestic wastewater except toilet discharge water.
   (f)   GROUNDWATER PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT. The zoning district defined to overlay other zoning districts in the groundwater protection area of the City ofSt. Marys, Ohio. This district includes all areas within established 1-year and 5-year time-of-travel distances mapped around all the public water supply welles), as shown on the attached map, which becomes a part of this 'chapter. If the City of St. Marys determines that the groundwater protection overlay district must be modified due to changes in wells, well locations, well pumping rates, or other factors, a modified map shall be developed and shall become a part of this chapter.
   (g)   HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. A material which is defined in one or more of the following categories:
      (1)   Ignitable: A gas, liquid or solid which may cause fires through friction, absorption of moisture, or which has low flash points. Examples: white phosphorous and gasoline.
      (2)   Carcinogenic: A gas, liquid, or solid which is normally considered to be cancer causing or mutagenic. Examples: PCB's in some waste oils.
      (3)   Explosive: A reactive gas, liquid or solid which will vigorously and energetically react uncontrollably if exposed to heat, shock, pressure or combinations thereof. Examples: dynamite, organic peroxides and ammonium nitrate.
      (4)   Highly Toxic: A gas, liquid, or solid so dangerous to man as to afford an unusual hazard to life. Example: chlorine gas.
      (5)   Moderately Toxic: A gas, liquid or solid which through repeated exposure or in a single large dose can be hazardous to man.
      (6)   Corrosive: Any material, whether acid or alkaline, which will cause severe damage to human tissue, or in case of leakage might damage or destroy other containers of hazardous materials and cause the release of their contents. Examples: battery acid and phosphoric acid.
   (h)   PRIMARY CONTAINMENT FACILITY. A tank, pit, container, pipe or vessel of first containment of a liquid or chemical.
   (i)   RELEASE. Any unplanned or improper discharge, leak, or spill of a potential contaminant including a hazardous material.
   (j)   SECONDARY CONTAINMENT FACILITY. A second tank, catchment pit, pipe, or vessel that limits and contains liquid or chemical leaking or leaching from a primary containment area; monitoring and recovery are required.
   (k)   SPILL RESPONSE PLANS. Detailed plans for control, recontainment, recovery, and cleanup of hazardous material releases, such as during fires or equipment failures.
   (l)   STORMWATER TREATMENT PRACTICES (STPs). Measures, either structural or nonstructural, that are determined to be the most effective, practical means of preventing or reducing point source or nonpoint source pollution inputs to stormwater runoff and water bodies.
   (m)   TIME-OF-TRAVEL DISTANCE. The distance that groundwater will travel in a specified time. This distance is generally a function of the permeability and slope of the aquifer.
      (Ord. 2012-29. Passed 8-13-12.)