(a)   The jurisdiction of the City of St. Marys, Ohio recognizes that many residents rely on groundwater for their safe drinking water supply, and that certain land uses can contaminate groundwater. To ensure the protection of these drinking water supplies, this chapter establishes a zoning overlay district to be known as the City of St. Marys Groundwater Protection Overlay District.
   (b)   The purpose of the City of St. Marys Groundwater Protection Overlay District is to protect public health and safety by minimizing contamination of aquifers and preserving and protecting existing and potential sources of drinking water supplies. It is the intent to accomplish this through both public education and public cooperation, as well as by creating appropriate land use regulations that may be imposed in addition to those currently imposed by existing zoning districts or other county regulations.
   (c)   The City of St. Marys Groundwater Protection Overlay District is superimposed on current zoning districts and shall apply to all new construction, reconstruction, or expansion of existing buildings and new or expanded uses. Applicable activities/uses allowed in a portion of one of the underlying zoning districts which fall within the City of St. Marys Groundwater Protection Overlay District must additionally comply with the requirements of this district. Uses prohibited in the underlying zoning districts shall not be permitted in the City of St. Marys Groundwater Protection Overlay District.
(Ord. 2012-29. Passed 8-13-12.)