The Council for the City of St. Marys hereby sets the rates for sanitary sewer service
as listed below:
   (a)    Rates Inside Corporate Limits. For any lot, parcel of land, building or premises, situated within the corporate limits of the City of St. Marys, Ohio, and having any connection with or accessibility to City sewerage system or otherwise discharging sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water, or other liquids, either directly or indirectly, into the City sewerage system, said charge shall be based upon the quantity of water used thereon or therein, as the same is measured by the City’s water meter or wastewater master meter there in use and there shall be charged:
      (1)    Effective March 1, 2018 and due and payable by April 10, 2018 and thereafter,
For the first
700 cu. ft. per month,
$ 5.27670 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
4,300 cu. ft. per month,
$ 4.14180 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
5,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 3.13560 per 100 cu. ft.
For over
10,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 2.62080 per 100 cu. ft.
And the minimum charge shall be Twenty-four and 53/100 Dollars ($24.53) per month or part thereof;
      (2)    Effective March 1, 2019 and due and payable by April 10, 2019 and thereafter,
For the first
700 cu. ft. per month,
$ 6.17374 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
4,300 cu. ft. per month,
$ 4.84591 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
5,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 3.66865 per 100 cu. ft.
For over
10,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 3.06634 per 100 cu. ft.
And the minimum charge shall be Twenty-eight and 71/100 Dollars ($28.71) per month or part thereof;
      (3)    Effective March 1, 2020 and due and payable by April 10, 2020 and thereafter,
For the first
700 cu. ft. per month,
$ 7.22327 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next    
4,300 cu. ft. per month,
$ 5.66971 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
5,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 4.29232 per 100 cu. ft.
For over
10,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 3.58761 per 100 cu. ft.
And the minimum charge shall be Thirty-three and 59/100 Dollars ($33.59) per month or part thereof;
      (4)    That in addition to the above, an extra strength waste surcharge for all industrial users shall be made where extra strength wastes are discharged into the City sewerage system. Said extra strength waste surcharge shall be in accordance with rules as promulgated by the Director of Public Service and Safety and such rules shall not be limited to, but shall include the amount of suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand, and the total phosphorus content of sewage.
   (b)    Rates Outside Corporate Limits. For any lot, parcel of land, approved sewer district, building or premises, situated outside the corporate limits of the City of St. Marys, Ohio, and having any connection with or accessibility to City sewerage system or otherwise discharging sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, water, or other liquids, either directly or indirectly, into the City sewerage system, said charge shall be based upon the quantity of water used thereon or therein, as the same is measured by the City’s water meter or wastewater master meter there in use and there shall be charged:
      (1)    Effective March 1, 2018 and due and payable by April 10, 2018 and thereafter,
For the first
700 cu. ft. per month,
$ 6.85620 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
4,300 cu. ft. per month,
$ 5.38200 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
5,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 4.07160 per 100 cu. ft.
For over
10,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 3.40470 per 100 cu. ft.
And the minimum charge shall be Thirty-one and 88/100 Dollars ($31.88)
per month or part thereof;
      (2)    Effective March 1, 2019 and due and payable by April 10, 2019 and thereafter,
For the first
700 cu. ft. per month,
$ 8.02175 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
4,300 cu. ft. per month,
$ 6.29694 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
5,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 4.76377 per 100 cu. ft.
For over
10,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 3.98350 per 100 cu. ft.
And the minimum charge shall be Thirty-seven and 30/100 Dollars
($37.30) per month or part thereof;
      (3)    Effective March 1, 2020 and due and payable by April 10, 2020 and thereafter,
For the first
700 cu. ft. per month,
$ 9.38545 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
4,300 cu. ft. per month,
$ 7.36742 per 100 cu. ft.
For the next
5,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 5.57361 per 100 cu. ft.
For over
10,000 cu. ft. per month,
$ 4.66069 per 100 cu. ft.
And the minimum charge shall be Forty-three and 64/100 Dollars
($43.64) per month or part thereof;
      (4)    That in addition to the above, an extra strength waste surcharge for all industrial users shall be made where extra strength wastes are discharged into the City sewerage system. Said extra strength waste surcharge shall be in accordance with rules as promulgated by the Director of Public Service and Safety and such rules shall not be limited to, but shall include the amount of suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand, and the total phosphorus content of sewage.
   (c)    Connection Charges.
      (1)    That in addition to the above, connection charges shall be made and collected. The connection charge shall be based upon that of a standard residence having an assumed flow factor of 400 gallons per day. The rate for a standard residence shall be eight hundred dollars ($800.00); for other than a residence, the charge shall be prorated with the following sewage flow guide; but shall not be less than eight hundred dollars ($800.00) per connection. Connection charges shall also apply when making additions to any commercial or industrial facility in accordance with the schedule.
      (2)    Apartment facilities shall be construed to be included as a commercial facility for the purposes of determining connection charges. Connection charges, if any, for entire subdivisions and/or sewer districts, shall be as negotiated by the Director of Public Service and Safety and as approved by City Council.
      (3)    Fees paid to a County District shall be in addition to the above connection charges.
   (d)    Sewage Flow Guide. There is hereby established the following Sewer Flow Guide:
Estimated Sewage Flow in Gallons Per Day
200 per one bedroom
250 per two bedroom
350 per three bedroom
Assembly Halls
3 per seat, no kitchen
7 per seat, with kitchen
Bowling Alleys (no food service)
75 per lane
Car Washes
1,000 first bay, 500 each additional bay
Churches (small)
4 per sanctuary seat, no kitchen
Churches (large with kitchen)
6 per sanctuary seat, with kitchen
Commercial Establishments:
Store (retail and/or service)
20 per employee plus 400 per public restroom*
Grocery Store
20 per employee plus 400 per public restroom* plus 0.2 gal. per sq. ft. food process area (meat and vegetable prep.)
Barber Shop
80 per basin
Beauty Shop/Styling Salon
160 per basin
Country Club
50 per member
Dance Halls
5 per person
Factories/Industries/Warehouses, no process waters:
Without Showers
20 per employee
With Showers
30 per employee
Factories/Industries, with process waters
Consult Director of Public Service & Safety
Food Service Operations:
Ordinary Restaurant
30 per seat
24 Hour Restaurant
60 per seat
Banquet Rooms
7 per seat
Coffee Shop
10 per seat
Restaurant Along Freeway
100 per seat
20 per seat, no food service
35 per seat, with food service
Drive-ins (curb service)
40 per car space
Vending Machines, with water
100 per machine
300 per bed
Institutions (residents)
100 per bed plus 15 per employee
Laundry Mat
15 per employee plus 400 per machine
Marina, restroom & shower only
20 per boat slip
85 per unit
Nursing and Rest Homes
150 per bed plus 75 per resident employee plus 35 per non-resident employee
Office Buildings:
General/Professional Offices
15 per employee
Medical Offices/Clinics
20 per employee plus 50 per examining room
Veterinarian/Animal Hospital
20 per run and cage plus 15 per employee plus 100 per doctor
Public Restroom Facilities*
400 per restroom
Playground/Day Park
15 per employee plus 12 per parking space
New homes in Subdivision
400 per residence
15 per employee plus 10 per pupil
High and Junior High
15 per employee plus 15 per pupil
Boarding School
15 per employee plus 85 per pupil
Daycare Facility
15 per employee plus 10 per pupil
Service Stations
1,000 for any one bay plus 500 for each additional bay
Shopping Centers
.02 per sq. ft. of floor space
Swimming Pools:
4 per swimmer
With Hot Water Shower
6 per swimmer
Indoor, 5 per seat
Drive-in, 10 per car space
Trailer Parks (Mobile Homes)
275 per trailer space
Travel Trailer Dumping Stations
Consult Director of Public Service & Safety
Travel Trailer Parks & Camps
125 per trailer or tent space
Vacation Cottages
150 per cottage
Youth and Recreation Camps
50 per person
Consult Director of Public Service & Safety (closest similar type facility or a nationally recognized standard will be used)
*Public restroom is defined as having two (2) or more flush-type fixtures excluding required lavatory fixture(s)
   (e)    Interpretation.
      (1)    When a proposed new connection consists of two or more of the above listed facilities, the total connection charge shall be the total of each separate facility as calculated from the sewage flow guide.
      (2)    Wherever the schedule is based on the number of persons, employees, pupils, members, etc., the number shall be based on the actual number or the rated capacity, whichever is greater.
      (3)    Commercial garbage grinders shall not be permitted unless approved by the Director of Public Service and Safety under one of the following conditions:
         A.    Pretreatment facilities are constructed and maintained by the proposed user or,
         B.    An appropriate surcharge has been paid, with said rate of surcharge also being applied to the regular sewer charge rates thereafter.
   (f)    Effective Date. The rates so established shall take effect March 1, 2018, April 1, 2019, and April 1, 2020, respectively, and shall be payable with the bills due April 10, 2018, April 10, 2019 and April 10, 2020, respectively.
      (Ord. 2018-06. Passed 4-9-18.)