(a)    Specifications for House Sewers. House sewers and connections to public sewers shall be constructed in accordance with the Plumbing Code and any other specification adopted by the Safety-Service Director.
(Ord. 2136. Passed 3-13-67.)
   (b)    Barricades; Reconstruction Standard. All excavations for building sewer installations shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the Director.
   (c)    Protection from Damage. No person shall maliciously, wilfully, or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the Municipal sewage works.
(Ord. 1377. Passed 2-27-50.)
   (d)    Removal of Tree Roots Obstructing Sewers.
      (1)    No person, firm or corporation shall maintain or permit to remain on his or its property, any tree whose roots obstruct or impede the flow of liquid through any public sewer, drain or water main in the City.
      (2)    The Director, upon discovery of the existence of any such obstruction, shall give notice in writing to the owner of the property upon which such tree is located, to remove the obstructing condition within ten days from date of service of the notice.
      (3)    Upon failure of the owner to remove the obstructing condition within the time specified in the notice, the Director shall cause the removal thereof to be made by employees of the City.
         (Ord. 2136. Passed 3-13-67.)