(a)    Sewer Connections; Permit Required; Fees.
      (1)    No sewer shall be constructed to connect with a public sewer, no connection shall be made to a public sewer nor shall any person uncover, open into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereto without first obtaining a written permit from the Safety-Service Director.
      (2)    The Director is authorized to establish reasonable inspection and/or permit fees.
      (3)    The Director shall establish regulations for the issuance of permits.
         (Ord. 1377. Passed 2-27-50.)
      (4)    The permit application shall be signed by the owner, agent or lessee of the property for which the connection is to be made and by the person, firm or corporation employed to perform the work. Such permit application shall describe the property and further describe the fixtures to be connected.
(1958 Code §28.54)
      (5)    All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building shall be borne by the owners. The owner shall indemnify the City from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer.
         (Ord. 1377. Passed 2-27-50.)
      (6)    Further rules, regulations and requirements for the construction, connection or use of public sewers, the land they lie in, or those sewers connecting into public sewers, as well as material specifications, and construction standards may be promulgated by the Director.
         (Ord. 2136. Passed 3-13-67.)
      (7)    The Director shall establish standards of inspection and shall require approval, either by himself or his delegate, of any project or projects connected with public sewers.
(Ord. 1377. Passed 2-27-50.)
   (b)    Workmen Must Be Licensed. No house sewer shall be constructed or connection made to a public sewer by any person who has not been authorized and licensed to perform such work.
(Ord. 2136. Passed 3-13-67.)