(a)    Each person desiring to conduct, stage or give a circus, menagerie, carnival, sideshow, musical, minstrel entertainment, public dance, exhibition of monsters or freaks of nature, wrestling matches or any spectator sporting event, for which an admission charge is demanded or received, shall first obtain a license and pay the license fee required by Section 711.02.
   (b)    The applicant for a license to conduct, stage or give such exhibition shall give at least one week's notice in writing to the Safety-Service Director stating the dates of the performances and the location at which they are to be presented. The Director shall give his consent to the issuance of the license if he deems the location suitable for the purpose and that it will properly accommodate the patrons; that the nature of the performance or exhibition is morally proper; and the use of the location will not throw too great a burden upon the Police and Fire Departments. Ample provisions shall be made to chaperon properly any dance or dances conducted in any dance hall within the City limits.
   (c)    No circus, menagerie or carnival shall be given for more than two consecutive days, except in cases where a longer period than two days has been approved by Council.
(Ord. 1818. Passed 1-17-61.)
   (d)    At the time application for a license is made, where use of grounds is contemplated, the applicant shall deposit with the Director a cash bond of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00), conditioned upon the restoration and cleaning up of the grounds in a manner satisfactory to the City. In the event the grounds are restored and cleaned up properly following the exhibition, the deposit shall be returned; otherwise the same shall be forfeited to the City.
   (e)    The Mayor may authorize the Safety-Service Director to grant, without cost, a license for the holding of a circus, carnival, sideshow, musical, minstrel entertainment or public dance for not more than six consecutive days, where all of the performances are fostered and supervised by civic interests of the City, and a substantial part of the funds derived therefrom is expended for charitable or civic purposes.
(Ord. 2136. Passed 3-13-67.)