(a) Mandatory water conservation practices for all parties connected to the water system of St. Marys shall consist of two levels, of which the Director of Public Service and Safety shall be authorized to implement either level when he deems drought conditions warrant such action.
(b) Mandatory water conservation practices at Level 1 shall consist of the following measures:
(1) Lawn sprinkling shall be permitted only with the following conditions:
A. Residents with house numbers starting with an odd number shall lawn sprinkle only on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday.
B. Residents with house numbers starting with an even number shall lawn sprinkle only on Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
C. Water period allowed:
6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
(2) Washing of autos, trucks and recreational vehicles shall be permitted only in commercial wash centers. Residential vehicular washing is prohibited.
(3) Hose spraying of driveways, sidewalks, and parking areas is prohibited.
(c) Mandatory water conservation practices at Level 2 shall consist of the following practices:
(1) Lawn sprinkling is prohibited.
(2) Restricted watering of gardens and shrubs shall be permitted only in accordance with the following conditions:
A. Water period allowed:
6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
B. Restricted to two days per week.
C. Hose sprinklers shall be attended to at all times (hand held) no unattended automatic device shall be utilized.
(3) Washing of autos, trucks and recreational vehicles shall be permitted only in commercial wash centers with recycling facilities. Residential vehicular washing is prohibited.
(4) Hose spraying of driveways, sidewalks and parking areas is prohibited.
(5) Bulk water hauling from the water treatment plant, except those for drinking purposes is prohibited.
(6) All releases from the water system fire hydrants except for fire fighting purposes shall be pre-approved by the Director of Public Service and Safety.
(d) The Director of Public Service and Safety shall have full authority to implement these water conservation practices upon a two day notice to the news media.
(e) Further that it shall be acknowledged that additional measures may be taken by the Director of Public Service and Safety if he so deems necessary should the water supply situation become more critical. Any mandatory restrictions may also be lifted at the discretion of the Director of Public Service and Safety.
(f) Violators of these mandatory water conservation practices may have the water service to their premises terminated, provided a prior written warning notice is delivered to the property stating the violation which has occurred. The violation schedule shall be as follows:
(1) First offense - written warning.
(2) Second and any subsequent offenses - termination of service.
(g) Any consumer who has his or her water service terminated for violation of these water conservation practices shall be required to pay a fifty dollar ($50.00) administrative and service fee in order to restore water service. Any fees collected under this section shall be credited to the Water Fund. Such payment shall be made at the Municipal Building.
(Ord. 89-14. Passed 3-13-89.)