(A)   Defined. Members of the public and/ or Trustees may petition the Board of Trustees to erect honorary street signs to provide special recognition of individuals for past services as defined under this ordinance. Such signage shall be known as being an “Honorary Sign” and shall be in such a form, color and design and posted at such places as approved by the Board of Trustees.
   (B)   Criteria. In order to approve an Honorary Sign, the Board of Trustees shall consider a petition and any supporting statements and/or information which support significant cultural, historical or humanitarian impact on the Village by an individual, an organization, an entity or a significant event with a history of good moral character. The location designated for the sign must have a geographical relationship to the proposed honoree. There shall be only two such designations per calendar year and will be granted on a first submitted first granted basis.
   (C)   Application. To apply, a petitioner must submit a written application to the Village providing the following information and signed by the Petitioner:
      1.   Name, organization, address, contact, phone number and e-mail address of the petitioner. Allows for one honoree per location (one block in length).
      2.   The name of the Honoree and the requested location of the sign.
      3.   A detailed explanation for the basis of the request articulating the cultural, historical, humanitarian and/or lineage to the Village that forms the basis for the particular Honoree’s nomination.
      4.   An explanation of the reasoning for the requested location of the Honorary sign.
      5.   If possible, a letter of consent from a duly authorized family representative.
      6.   An Application Fee (refundable if application is denied) to be set by the Village Administrator or President in an amount reflecting the cost to the Village for such sign together with the cost of installation.
      7.   Deadline for application consideration for the calendar year following December 31st.
   (D)   Time Limit. Honorary Signs shall be limited to being posted for five (5) years at which time, the sign will be given to the petitioner. Application can be renewed only upon approval by the Board of Trustees.
   (E)   Sign Design.
      1.   Legend will be white lettering on brown background.
      2.   Sign(s) will be installed by Village crews and shall remain in place for a period of five years (60 months) with a date of removal to be noted on the sign by Village staff.
      3.   Upon removal by Village crews, the sign(s) will be given to the applicant and donated to the designee’s family.
      4.   Maintenance of the sign installation and/or replacement of the various materials shall be at the expense of the dona tor. Failure to cover the cost of the maintenance or replacement material(s) will cause the sign installation to be removed immediately. (Ord. 2021-07, 10-26-2021)