(A)   Routes provided for snowmobiles on streets within the Village boundaries shall be used for entry and exit from said Village and shall be used for no other purpose, save for those specific instances where duly elected Village officials request snowmobile assistance in times of emergency.
   (B)   Aforesaid routes shall consist of the following streets and no others: Douglas Street, Fifth Street, Eighth Street, Elm Street (but only between Grand Avenue on the north and James Street on the south and no farther in either direction).
   (C)   Snowmobile owners and operators availing themselves of this benefit conferred by the Village shall in consideration thereof agree to render forth their snowmobiles and their personal services at the request of duly elected Village officials in times of emergencies; said emergencies shall exist whenever said officials at their discretion deem them to so exist. (Ord., 10-9-1979)
   (D)   Snowmobile owners and operators shall travel in the right lane of traffic on the aforesaid designated streets and shall not exceed the limits provided for other vehicles. (2005 Code)
   (E)   Snowmobiles may not be operated in or on any Village park or other public property within the Village except for as provided in this section. (Ord. 2008-3, 1-22-2008)