Unless otherwise provided by the board of trustees, all new streets within the village or in subdivisions outside the village which are subject to village approval, shall be designed and constructed as follows:
(A) Subgrade: All subgrades shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Illinois department of transportation "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction", latest edition except as amended or expanded as follows:
1. Soils Report: On all new or reconstructed arterial streets, a soils report shall be prepared by an experienced, independent materials testing firm. The soils report should at a minimum include the following: location and design section which identifies the project's location, length, existing conditions, existing and proposed pavement typical sections, stations of borings; a soil geology section which describes existing soil types and profiles and provides a sieve analysis of each soil boring with grain size distribution plots, liquid limit, plastic limit, percent sand, percent clay, percent silt, and subgrade support rating; copies of actual boring logs; a soil profile plot based on interpretation of boring logs; and a conclusion and recommendation section which includes recommendations for lime stabilization with recommended application rates of lime and water and any other subgrade stabilization alternatives.
2. Topsoil: Existing topsoil shall be removed from the areas of the proposed street pavement plus two feet (2') beyond the proposed back of curb. Removal shall be to a depth as necessary to remove all organic material or to the proposed bottom of pavement structure, whichever is greater.
3. Compaction And Testing: Street pavement subgrade shall be compacted and tested in accordance with the applicable portions of Illinois department of transportation "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction".
(a) The street pavement subgrade shall have sufficient stability to accommodate construction traffic without excessive subgrade rutting or shoving. Subgrade strengths at the time of construction shall have a California bearing ratio (CBR) of at least six percent (CBR = 6%) in the top twelve inches (12") of the subgrade.
(b) The dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) is used to estimate the in situ CBR of granular materials and fine grained soils. The DCP shall be used to determine the recommended subgrade CBR of the subgrade and the DCP shall comply with the most current ASTM standards. Testing should be performed every one hundred feet (100') of roadway with tests alternating between lanes (i.e., 200 foot intervals in each lane of traffic), or as approved by the village engineer.
4. Proof Rolling: In addition to compaction and stability testing, the village engineer may require that the subgrade be "proof rolled" prior to approval of the subgrade and before the placement of base materials. Trucks shall be loaded as follows: twenty seven thousand (27,000) pounds on two (2) axles and forty five thousand (45,000) pounds on three (3) axles with the tolerance not to exceed ten percent (10%). A loaded truck shall make a single pass over the entire length of each traffic lane to be constructed. Any areas of the prepared and compacted subgrade which show rutting, cracking, or rolling upon proof rolling will not be accepted. The contractor will recompact and/or reconstruct the sections that fail and proof roll again for acceptance.
When pavements are to be placed over an aggregate base, the base shall be proof rolled prior to placement of any pavement.
5. Remediation: Any areas of street pavement subgrade which fail to meet or exceed the minimum compaction and stability testing requirements or fail the proof rolling test shall be remedied to achieve the required stability. Acceptable methods of remediation shall include, but not be limited to: aeration and recompaction; undercut and backfill; and lime stabilization. The remedied areas shall be retested for acceptance. Streets which do not meet the minimum subgrade compaction requirements will not be accepted.
(B) Pavement: All pavements shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Illinois department of transportation "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction", latest edition except as amended or expanded as follows:
1. Street Thickness Standards:
Street Type | Full Depth HMA1 Minimum Thickness | PC Concrete Minimum Thickness |
Local | 9 inches | 7 inches |
Collector | 9 inches | 7 inches |
Arterial | See note 2 | See note 2 |
Industrial/ commercial | See note 2 | See note 2 |
1. HMA - Hot mix asphalt.
2. The pavement design and thickness shall be established utilizing the current Illinois department of transportation bureau of design and environment pavement design guidelines. All pavement design calculations shall be submitted to the village engineer for review and approval.
2. Design Period: The minimum design period for any street pavement shall be twenty (20) years.
3. Materials: Materials for all types of pavements shall conform to the Illinois department of transportation "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction", latest edition.
4. Curb And Gutter: All streets shall be provided with Portland cement concrete curb and gutter at thickness equal to the adjacent pavement thickness. Proposed curb and gutter for all street construction shall be type B-6.18 barrier curb or type M-6.18 mountable curb in accordance with the Illinois department of transportation highway standards or as approved by the village engineer.
5. Driveways: Driveways shall not be poured until the framing is inspected and approved by the designated village inspector.
(a) All private residential driveway approaches within the village right of way shall be a minimum of six inches (6") thick of Portland cement concrete or eight inches (8") thick of hot mix asphalt.
(b) All commercial driveway approaches within the village right of way shall be a minimum of eight inches (8") thick of Portland cement concrete. Hot mix asphalt will not be allowed for commercial driveway approaches unless approved otherwise by the village engineer.
(C) Testing: Testing of all pavements shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Illinois department of transportation "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction", latest edition, or as approved by the village engineer. All testing shall be performed by an engineering firm approved by the village engineer. All costs of testing shall be paid by the owner/developer.
(D) Drainage: All drainage facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Illinois department of transportation "Drainage Manual", latest edition except as amended or expanded as follows:
1. Design Storm: All roadways shall be provided with inlets and underground drainage facilities having a design capacity adequate to convey surface water generated from a 10-year recurrence interval precipitation event under the state of land development which generates the highest peak flow scenario.
2. Method Of Analysis: Stormwater calculation methods shall be as described in title 7, chapter 4, "Stormwater Management", of this code.
3. Inlet Spacing: Inlets shall be spaced to prevent encroachment of ponded water onto the traveled lanes. Inlet design, including spacing, shall be based on the 10-year recurrence interval precipitation event and shall meet the lane encroachment guidelines listed in the Illinois department of transportation "Drainage Manual", latest edition.
4. Stormwater Detention: Stormwater detention shall be provided as specified in title 7, chapter 4, "Stormwater Management", of this code.
5. Minimum Slopes: Minimum longitudinal slopes for roadways shall be 0.004 foot/foot (0.4 percent). Minimum cross slopes for roadways shall be 0.015 foot/foot (1.5 percent).
6. Review: All design calculations shall be submitted to the village engineer for technical review and approval before work begins. (Ord. 2007-2, 5-22-2007)