The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:
   (A)   Proposed name of subdivision;
   (B)   Location by legal description;
   (C)   Names and addresses of the proprietor and the engineer or surveyor who designed the subdivision layout;
   (D)   Date, north point, and scale (scale of the preliminary plat shall be one inch equals 100 feet as an acceptable minimum);
   (E)   Layout of streets, including proposed names, rights-of-way widths, and connections to adjoining platted streets and easements, public walkways and lot lines within the plat, and easements and street rights-of-way on land within 200 foot of the proposed plat and adjoining sidewalks;
   (F)   Topography drawn as contours with an interval of not more than two feet. Where existing ground surface will remain substantially unchanged, proposed grades of streets will be shown by superimposed contours in a characteristic clearly distinguishable from the existing ground contours. Where substantial alteration of existing ground surface is proposed, a separate contour map shall show the proposed revised ground surface and street grades;
   (G)   Layout, numbers, and dimensions of lots, including building setback lines showing dimensions and a closed boundary. If any outlots are proposed in the plat, the specific purpose of each outlet shall be indicated;
   (H)   Indication of the proposed uses of parcels to be dedicated or set aside for public use or for the use of the property owners in the subdivision or lands set aside for future street connections;
   (I)   An indication of the system proposed for sewage disposal by a method approved by the Michigan Department of Health, the Clinton County Health Department, and the City Commission;
   (J)   An indication of the storm drainage proposed by a method approved by the City Commission and, if involving county drains, the proposed drainage shall be acceptable to the Clinton County Drain Commissioner;
   (K)   In the case where the proprietor wishes to subdivide a given area but wishes only to begin with a portion of the total area, the preliminary plat shall include a proposed general layout for the entire area. The part which is proposed to be subdivided first shall be clearly superimposed upon the overall plan in order to illustrate clearly the method of development which the proprietor intends to follow. Each subsequent plat shall follow the same procedure until the entire area controlled by the proprietor is subdivided.
(Ord. 509, passed 4-22-2002)