(A) The Zoning Administrator shall send notice of site plan review, by first class mail, to all persons owning property within a 300 foot radius of the property in question.
(B) The City Planning Commission shall review the preliminary site plan to determine compliance with permitted land use, density of development, general circulation and other provisions of this code. The preliminary site plan shall also be reviewed for the same compliance, by the Zoning, Water, Wastewater, Public Works, Police and Fire Departments, along with the City Manager and City Engineer, and shall report to the Planning Commission their recommendations. This review will also include the County Drain Commission and county zoning, when applicable.
(C) The Planning Commission shall respond to the applicant with its decision within 45 days of filing, and if denied, shall cite the reason for denial. If approved, a certificate of preliminary site plan approval shall be issued to the applicant by the Zoning Administrator.
(1990 Code, § 5.374)