All shrubs and bushes located on the triangle formed by two right-of-way lines at the intersection of two streets and extending for a distance of 25 feet each way from the intersection of the right-of-way lines on any corner lot within the city shall not be permitted to grow to a height of more than two feet in height from top of curb at street level in order that the view of the driver of a vehicle approaching a street intersection shall not be obstructed. Trees may be planted and maintained on private property in this area, provided that all branches are trimmed to maintain a clear vision for a vertical height of ten feet above the roadway surface. Any owner of any property failing to trim any trees, shrubs or bushes in conformity with this division or division (A) of this section shall be notified by the City Manager in the manner provided in this code, to do so and the notice shall require trimming in conformity with this section within ten days after the date of the notice. Upon the expiration of such period, the City Manager may cause the trimming to be done and the cost thereof may be collected from the owner of the property as a single lot assessment.
(1990 Code, § 3.41)