For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONED VEHICLES. Includes, without limitation, any motor vehicle which has remained on private property for a period of 48 continuous hours or more, without the consent of the owner or occupant of the property, or for a period of 48 continuous hours after the consent of the owner or occupant of the property has been revoked.
   DISMANTLED AND PARTIALLY DISMANTLED MOTOR VEHICLES. Motor vehicles from which some part or parts which ordinarily are a component of such motor vehicle have been removed or are missing.
   INOPERABLE MOTOR VEHICLES. Motor vehicles, which by reason of dismantling, disrepair or other cause, are presently incapable of being propelled under their own power and shall include, without limitation, any vehicle which is not licensed for use upon the highways of the State of Michigan for a period in excess of 30 days and shall also include, whether licensed or not, any motor vehicle which is inoperative for any reason, for a period in excess of 30 days; and provided there is excepted from this definition unlicensed but fully operative vehicles which are kept as the stock and trade of a regularly licensed and established new or used automobile dealer; provided further, the time limit said vehicles may remain upon the premises of a motor vehicle repair garage shall be a period of 90 days rather than 30 days.
   MOTOR VEHICLES. Any wheeled vehicles which are self-propelled or intended to be self- propelled.
   PARTS OF MOTOR VEHICLES. Any commonly known parts of motor vehicles stored in or upon premises as above defined.
   PERSON. All natural persons, firms, copartnerships, corporations and all associations of natural persons incorporated or unincorporated, whether acting by themselves or by a servant, agent or employee. All persons who violate any provision of this chapter, whether as owner, occupant, lessee, agent, servant or employee shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be equally responsible as principals.
(1990 Code, § 9.62)