(A)   Application to elected officials. The ethical standards enunciated in this chapter are aspirational as they apply to City of St. Johns Commissioners, who are elected by the people. Any discipline or sanction of a city elected official is limited by the provisions of the St. Johns City Charter and the applicable laws of the State of Michigan.
   (B)   Application to non-elected officials. The ethical standards enunciated in this chapter are based on an accountability model as they apply to non-elected officials, which category includes appointees to various volunteer positions and committees. Failure by a non-elected official to abide by the ethical standards enumerated herein can result in loss of the city position, appointment, or committee membership as determined by the St. Johns City Commission.
   (C)   Application to City of St. Johns employees. City employees are charged with the responsibility of conforming their conduct to the ethical standards enunciated in this chapter. City employees who are found to be in violation of such standards will be subject to discipline commensurate with the gravity of the established ethical violation.
(Ord. 631, passed 9-25-2017)