(A)   Parking spaces required. Parking spaces shall be provided and adequately maintained in all applicable zoning districts, except the CBD District for the off-street storage of motor vehicles for the use of occupants, employees, and patrons of each building and premise, and of such extensions, alterations, additions or changes in use of such building or premise as specified in § 155.342. These spaces shall be provided in amounts not less than hereinafter specified which shall not subsequently be reduced below the requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Loading spaces not parking spaces. Loading space as required in § 155.344 shall not be construed as supplying required off-street parking space.
   (C)   Existing parking. Existing off-street parking facilities provided on the effective date of this Code and actually being used at that date for the parking of automobiles in connection with the operation of an existing building or use shall not hereafter be reduced below, or if already less than, shall not be further reduced below the requirements of this chapter for a similar new building or use.
   (D)   Change in requirements. Whenever after the effective date of this Code there is any change in use or any increase in number of employees, or an increase in floor area, or in any other unit of measurement specified in § 155.342, additional off-street parking facilities shall be provided on the basis of resultant change.
   (E)   Joint use. The joint use of parking facilities by two or more uses is recommended whenever such use is practicable and satisfactory to each of the uses intended to be served, and when all requirements for location, design and construction can be satisfied.
      (1)   In computing capacities of any joint use, the total space requirement is the sum of the individual requirements that will occur at the same time. If peak space requirements for individual uses occur at distinctly different time from the peak requirements for other joint uses, the maximum capacity required for joint use may be reduced by the Planning Commission during site plan review to a total that is less than the sum of total individual space requirements, but shall not be less than 50% of the off-street parking facilities required of the uses computed separately. For projects that do not require site plan review, the Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to similarly reduce the number of parking spaces required.
      (2)   A copy of an agreement among joint users shall be filed with the application for a zoning permit. The agreement shall include a guarantee for continued use of the parking facility for each party to the joint use.
   (F)   Floor area. For the purpose of § 155.342 the unqualified term "floor area" shall mean the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of a building used or intended to be used for office, merchandising or services to the public as customers, patrons, clients, patients or tenants, including areas occupied for fixtures and equipment used for display or sale of merchandise, but excluding floor areas which are used exclusively for storage, for housing of mechanical equipment integral with the building, for maintenance facilities, or for those areas so restricted that customers, patients, clients, salesmen, and the general public are denied access.
   (G)   Uses not mentioned. In the case of a use not specifically mentioned, requirements for off-street parking for a use which is mentioned and which is most similar to the use not mentioned shall apply, as may be determined by the Zoning Administrator.
   (H)   Mixed use. In the case of mixed uses, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements of the individual uses computed separately, provided that this provision shall not apply where a use is accessory to the main use and is not intended to serve additional patrons or employees.
   (I)   Parking facilities allocated once. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use except as specified in division (F) of this section for joint use.
   (J)   Fractional spaces. When determination of the number of off-street parking space required by this chapter results in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction in excess of one-half shall be counted as one parking space.
   (K)   Location of parking areas. Off-street parking areas shall be located in relation to the use they are intended to serve in accordance with the following table.
TABLE 13-1
Location of Parking
All Uses Except Industrial Uses
On the same or an adjoining lot or parcel of land
Industrial Uses
On the same or an adjoining lot or parcel of land except that an area for joint operation of parking facilities shall be located within desirable walking distance of the joint users' operations.
   (L)   Use of parking spaces. No required parking spaces shall be used for storage of material, refuse, refuse containers, display of merchandise, including vehicles, or for the repair or servicing of machinery.
   (M)   Barrier free parking spaces. Barrier free parking shall be provided in accordance with the current standards and rules of the Michigan Department of Labor, Construction Code Commission, Barrier Free Design Division.
   (N)   Off-street parking spaces shall not be built within a road or street right-of-way.
(Ord. 616, passed 9-23-2013)