To protect the value of existing and future commercial and residential property values, the Planning Commission shall review site plans for general compatibility with existing commercial and residential uses in the area. In evaluating a proposed developments compatibility, the Planning Commission shall consider the following:
   (A)   Exterior building material shall be composed of high quality, durable, low maintenance material, such as masonry, stone, brick, or glass to the extent that surrounding businesses and are composed of such.
   (B)   The front facade of the building should address the main street with entrances, windows, and architectural features facing the street. No docking bays shall face the street, unless approved by the Planning Commission based upon a finding that the door is recessed back from the front facade and properly screened from public view.
   (C)   All mechanical equipment, including but not limited to heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, and antennas, shall be placed in an inconspicuous location or screened from view. If equipment is placed on rooftops it shall also be screened from the public view in a manner that does not draw attention to the placement of the equipment.
   (D)   Size and height of buildings should be compatible with the character and existing views of the surrounding areas as determined by the Planning Commission.
   (E)   The existing character of the site and the nearby area should be the starting point for the design of the building and all site treatment.
(Ord. 616, passed 9-23-2013)