Commercial outdoor display or storage may be permitted by the Planning Commission provided compliance with all other provisions of this chapter and provided:
   (A)   Any stockpiles of soils, fertilizer or similarly loosely packaged materials shall be sufficiently covered or contained to prevent dust or blowing of materials.
   (B)   No outdoor storage shall be permitted in the required front, side or rear yard of buildings for the district in which the commercial outdoor display, sales or storage use is located.
   (C)   The site shall include a building of at least 400 feet of gross floor area for office and sales uses in conjunction with the approved use.
   (D)   Storage areas shall consist of a permanent, durable and dustless surface (gravel) and shall be graded and drained to dispose of stormwater without a negative impact on adjacent property.
   (E)   All loading and truck maneuvering including into loading/unloading areas shall be accommodated on-site.
   (F)   All outdoor sales, display or storage area property lines adjacent to a residential district shall comply with the landscaping requirements in §§ 155.295 through 155.304. The Planning Commission may also require taller landscaping screening based on the height of materials to be displayed or stored.
   (G)   The use of semi-trailers, portable shipping containers, or other portable storage/shipping-type containers in conjunction with the sale or storage of material is prohibited, but the short term use for "trailer sales" is permitted provided the sale does not exceed seven days and does not occur more than four times a year.
(Ord. 616, passed 9-23-2013; Am. Ord. 632, passed 2-12-2018)