(A)   An emergency meeting is a meeting of the Town Council called because of generally unexpected circumstances that require immediate consideration.
   (B)   The Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tem, or any two members of the Town Council may, at any time, call an emergency meeting by signing a written statement stating the time and place of the meeting and the subjects to be considered.
   (C)   Notice of the meeting shall be given to the Town Council members in the same manner as notice of special meetings.
    (D)   Emergency meetings may also be held when all Town Council members are present and consent thereto or when those not present have signed a written waiver of notice, provided that the notice to the media required by division (E) below is given.
   (E)   The Town Clerk shall give notice of an emergency meeting to each of the media who has requested it in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. This notice shall be given either by telephone or by the same method used to notify the Town Council and shall be given immediately after the notice has been given to those members.
   (F)   Only business connected with the emergency may be transacted at an emergency meeting.