(A)   The Sheriff, with the assistance of shelter personnel, shall charge to the owner the following fees, which must be paid before an animal may be redeemed:
      (1)   Per-day boarding fee for dogs: $10;
      (2)   Per-day boarding fee for cats: $10;
      (3)   Per-day boarding fee for all other animals kept at the animal shelter: $10;
      (4)   Per day boarding fee for all other animals not kept at the animal shelter: the actual amount charged by the caretaker or boarder of the animal; and
      (5)   Non-routine charge for transporting the animal: the actual amount charged by the person providing the transportation.
   (B)   The above fees are in addition to the redemption fees set forth in § 90.185 and are subject to adjustment or change by the Board of County Commissioners at any time.
(Ord. 2015-03, passed 7-7-2015)