For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ENCLOSURE OR CONFINEMENT FACILITY. Any cage, pen, or other housing for keeping wild or exotic animals or poisonous reptiles. ENCLOSURES OR CONFINEMENT FACILITIES shall be classified as primary or secondary enclosures. A primary enclosure is any cage, pen, or other housing designed and used for the purpose of restraining and confining a wild or exotic animal or poisonous reptile. A secondary enclosure is any cage, pen, or other housing not used for the primary confinement, exercise, or training of a wild or exotic animal or poisonous reptile. All secondary enclosures shall encompass primary enclosures where wild or exotic animals or poisonous reptiles are kept. All primary and secondary enclosures shall be constructed and maintained pursuant to § 90.124.
EXOTIC ANIMAL. Any living animal, which is strikingly or excitingly different or unusual and not ordinarily kept as a pet or domesticated animal. By way of example, EXOTIC ANIMALS shall include, but not limited to, lions, tigers, apes, monkeys, poisonous reptiles, and poisonous spiders. A hybrid of any animal listed in the example above, regardless of genetic percentages, shall be deemed EXOTIC.
OWNER. Any person, group of persons, firm, partnership, or corporation owning, keeping, harboring, having charge of, taking care of, or allowing a wild or exotic animal or poisonous reptile to remain on its property for 72 hours.
POISONOUS REPTILE. Any animal that crawls or moves on its belly as a snake or on small short legs as a lizard and has the capability of injecting humans or animals with venom which may cause death or physical injury.
WILD ANIMAL. Any animal not normally domesticated. By way of example, WILD ANIMALS shall include, but not be limited to, wild cats, wolves, bears, and raccoons. A hybrid of any animal listed in the example above, regardless of genetic percentages, shall be deemed a WILD ANIMAL.
(Ord. 2015-03, passed 7-7-2015)