For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CATS. Any and all domestic felines.
   IN ESTRUS. A female cat in what is commonly called “heat”.
   NUISANCE. The owner shall be responsible for any cat(s) creating a nuisance. The Commission on more than one occasion of any of the following qualifying act(s) or conditions described in divisions (1) through (7) below shall be deemed prima facie evidence of a cat NUISANCE:
      (1)   Gets into or turns over garbage pails;
      (2)   Walks on and sleeps on automobiles of another;
      (3)   Damages gardens or other foliage or other real or personal property;
      (4)   Is found on the property of another;
      (5)   Roams;
      (6)   Is maintained in an unsanitary condition so as to be offensive to sight or smell; or
      (7)   In estrus is not confined to a building or secure enclosure.
   OWNER. Any person, group of persons, firm, partnership, or corporation owning, keeping, having charge, or taking care of any cat or allowing any cat to remain on its property for more than 72 hours.
   OWNER’S PROPERTY. The area described in a deed of conveyance or the area described in a lease. In a situation involving townhouses or condominiums, animal protective services will treat the “common areas” as being owned by the homeowner’s association. In a situation involving leased apartments, animal protective services will treat the “common areas” as being owned by the lessor/property owner.
   PRIOR COMPLAINTS. Any verified verbal or written complaint to animal protective services about a specific cat being a nuisance or any verified verbal or written complaint about an owner allowing his or her cat or cats to be a nuisance shall constitute a prior complaint.
(Ord. 2015-03, passed 7-7-2015)