For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANIMAL. Every non-human species, both domestic and wild.
   AT LARGE. Any animal found off of the property of its owner and not under physical restraint of a competent person shall be deemed AT LARGE. Any animal, which has been the subject of a previous at large complaint, and which has been deemed AT LARGE by the Sheriff upon probable cause, shall be deemed AT LARGE when found unrestrained on the owner’s property.
   IN ESTRUS. A female dog in what is commonly called “heat”.
   NIGHTTIME. The time one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise.
   OWNER. Any person, group of persons, firm, partnership, or corporation owning, keeping, having charge, or taking care of any animal or allowing any animal to remain on its property for 72 hours.
   OWNER’S PROPERTY. The owner’s property is that area described in a deed of conveyance or the area described in a lease. In a situation involving townhouses or condominiums, animal services will treat the “common areas” as being owned by the homeowner’s association, in a situation involving leased apartments, animal services will treat the “common areas” as being owned by the lessor/property owner.
   PRIOR COMPLAINTS. For purposes of this chapter, any prior verbal or written complaint to animal services about a specific animal being at large, or any verbal or written complaint about any animals of an owner being at large, shall constitute a prior complaint.
      (1)   An animal is under restraint if it is:
         (a)   Controlled by means of a chain, leash, or other like device;
         (b)   Within a vehicle or a secure enclosure;
         (c)   Under the control of a licensed hunter while said animal is in the act of hunting. A dog which is hunting for game for which its owner must hold a hunting license as required by the state and only during the designated season for the game so hunted; or
         (d)   Participating in a dog show or field trail.
      (2)   Voice command is not recognized as adequate RESTRAINT.
(Ord. 2015-03, passed 7-7-2015)