§ 152.12 CURB SETBACK.
   (A)   Permit required. It is a misdemeanor for any person to hereafter remove, or cause to be removed, any curb from its position abutting upon the roadway to another position without first making application to the Council, obtaining Council approval, and a permit therefor. The permit may be issued upon the conditions as the Council may prescribe.
   (B)   Agreement required. No permit shall be issued until the applicant, and abutting landowner if other than applicant, shall enter into a written agreement with the city agreeing to pay all costs of constructing, and maintaining, the setback area in at least as good condition as the abutting roadway, and further agreeing to demolish, and remove, the setback and reconstruct the area as was at the expense of the landowner, his or her heirs or assigns, if the area, in the Council’s opinion, is, or may become, a public hazard. The agreement shall be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds (County Recorder), and shall run with the adjoining land.
   (C)   Sign posting. Signs posting “Angle Parking Only” shall be purchased from the city and erected, and maintained, at the expense of the adjoining landowner in the setback area as the Council may direct. It is a misdemeanor for any person to park other than at an angle in the designated setback areas.
   (D)   Public rights preserved. The setback parking areas shall be kept open for public parking, and the abutting landowner shall, at no time, acquire any special interest or control of, or in, such areas.
(Prior Code, § 7.12)