(A)   Methods of procedure.
      (1)   Abutting, or affected, property owners may contract for, construct, or reconstruct roadway surfacing, sidewalk, curb, or gutter in accordance with this section if advance payment is made therefor, or arrangements for payment considered adequate by the city are completed in advance.
      (2)   With, or without, petition by the methods set forth in the local improvement code of state statutes, presently beginning with M.S. § 429.011, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (B)   Permit required. It is a misdemeanor to construct a sidewalk, curb, gutter, driveway, or roadway surfacing in any street or other public property in the city without a permit in writing from the Street/Park Superintendent. Application for the permit shall be made on forms approved, and provided, by the city, and shall sufficiently describe the contemplated improvements, the contemplated date of the beginning of work, and the length of time required to complete the same; provided, that no permit shall be required for any improvement ordered installed by the Council. All applications shall contain an agreement by the applicant to be bound by this chapter, and plans and specifications consistent with the provisions of this chapter, and good engineering practices, shall also accompany the application. A permit from the city shall not relieve the holder from damages to the person, or property, of another caused by the work.
   (C)   Specification and standards. All construction and reconstruction of roadway surfacing, sidewalk, curb, or gutter improvements, including curb cuts, shall be strictly in accordance with specifications, and standards, on file in the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer, and open to inspection and copying there. The specifications, and standards, may be amended from time to time by the city, but shall be uniformly enforced.
   (D)   Time limitations on construction. All construction, reconstruction, resurfacing, and repair of any sidewalks done in conformance with this section shall be completed within 60 days of the commencement of the construction, reconstruction, or repair, unless a waiver of the time requirement, based upon substantial hardship, is granted by the Building Official.
(Prior Code, § 7.06) (Ord. 212, second series, passed 1-15-2008)