§ 113.13 VIOLATIONS.
   (A)   Notice. Upon discovery of a suspected violation, the alleged violator shall be issued, either personally or by mail, a citation that sets forth the alleged violation, and which shall inform the alleged violator of his or her right to be heard on the accusation.
   (B)   Hearings. If a person accused of violating this chapter so requests, a hearing shall be scheduled, the time and place of which shall be published, and provided, to the accused violator.
   (C)   Hearing officer. The Council shall serve as the hearing officer.
   (D)   Decision. If the hearing officer determines that a violation of this chapter did occur, that decision, along with the hearing officer’s reasons for finding a violation, and the penalty to be imposed under this chapter, shall be recorded, in writing, a copy of which shall be provided to the accused violator. Likewise, if the hearing officer finds that no violation occurred, or finds grounds for not imposing any penalty, the findings shall be recorded, and a copy provided to the acquitted accused violator.
   (E)   Appeals. Appeals of any decision made by the hearing officer shall be filed in the district court for the jurisdiction of the city in which the alleged violation occurred within ten business days of the date of the decision.
   (F)   Continued violation. Each violation, and every day in which a violation occurs or continues, shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 44, third series, passed 10-15-2019)