(A)   Applicant. A club or charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization, duly incorporated as a nonprofit, or religious, corporation under the laws of the state, and having its registered office, and principal place of activity, within the city, shall qualify for a temporary on-sale beer license, which shall not include the serving of beer in school buildings and on school grounds.
   (B)   Conditions.
      (1)   An application for a temporary license shall state the exact dates, and place, of the proposed temporary sale.
      (2)   No applicant shall qualify for a temporary license for more than a total of seven days in any calendar year.
      (3)   The Council may, but at no time shall it be under any obligation whatsoever to, grant a temporary beer license on premises owned, or controlled, by the city. Any such license may be conditioned, qualified, or restricted as the Council sees fit. If the premises to be licensed are owned, or under the control of, the city, the applicant shall file with the city, prior to issuance of the license, a certificate of liability insurance coverage in at least the sum of $500,000 for injury to any one person, and $500,000 for injury to more than one person, naming the city as an insured, during the license period. The license shall be issued only on the condition that the applicant will not sell, in excess of $10,000 (retail value), worth of beer in any calendar year, and thereupon shall be exempt from proof of financial responsibility, as provided for herein.
(Prior Code, § 5.24) (Ord. 52, second series, passed 11-6-1984)