(A)   Granting. The Council may grant any application for the period of the remainder of the then current calendar year, or for the entire ensuing license year. All applications, including proposed license periods, must be consistent with this title.
   (B)   Issuing. If an application is granted, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall forthwith issue a license pursuant thereto in the form prescribed by the Council upon proof of ownership, payment of the appropriate license fee, and approval of the bond or insurance as to form, and surety, or carrier, if required. All licenses shall be on a calendar-year basis beginning January 1 and ending December 31. Unless otherwise herein specified, license fees shall be pro-rated on the basis of one and one-half for each calendar month, or part thereof, remaining in the then current license year. Licenses shall be valid only at one location, and on the premises therein described.
   (C)   Transfer. A license shall be transferable between persons upon consent of the Council, and payment of the investigation fee. No license shall be transferable to a different location without prior consent of the Council, and upon payment of the fee for a duplicate license. It is unlawful to make any transfer in violation of this section.
   (D)   Termination. Licenses shall terminate only by expiration or revocation.
   (E)   Refusal, suspension, and revocation. The Council may, for any reasonable cause, refuse to grant any application, or revoke any license. No license shall be granted to a person of questionable moral character, or business reputation. Before revocation, or suspension, of any license, the Council shall give notice to the licensee, and grant the licensee opportunity to be heard. Notice to be given, and the exact time of the hearing, shall be stated in the resolution calling for the hearing.
   (F)   Duplicate license. Duplicates of all original licenses may be issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer, without action by the Council, upon the licensee’s affidavit that the original has been lost, and upon payment of a fee of $2 for issuance of the duplicate. All duplicate licenses shall be clearly marked “DUPLICATE”.
(Prior Code, § 6.03) (Ord. 31, second series, passed 12-21-1981) Penalty, see § 10.99