(A)   The City Clerk-Treasurer shall prepare the following items:
      (1)   An agenda for the forthcoming meeting;
      (2)   A statement showing the condition of each fund as of the close of business of the preceding month;
      (3)   A compiled list of all claimants who have filed verified accounts claiming payment for goods, or services, rendered the city during the preceding month; and
      (4)   A copy of all minutes to be considered, and reports of department heads.
   (B)   The City Clerk-Treasurer shall forthwith cause to be delivered to the Mayor and each Council member copies of all of the documents. Robert’s Rules of Order (revised) shall govern all Council meetings as to procedural matters not set forth in the Charter or city code. The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows:
      (1)   Call to order;
      (2)   Roll call;
      (3)   Determination of a quorum;
      (4)   Approval of minutes (actual reading may be waived by majority vote of the Council member present if each member of the Council was furnished with a copy thereof, as herein before set forth;
      (5)   Consent items;
      (6)   Schedule bid lettings;
      (7)   Scheduled hearings;
      (8)   Administrative appeals;
      (9)   Financial reports;
      (10)   Licenses and permits;
      (11)   Old business;
      (12)   New business; and
      (13)   Reports of boards, commissions, and department heads.
   (C)   Matters inappropriate for consideration at a meeting, or not in the order specified, shall not be considered, except:
      (1)   With the unanimous consent of the members of the Council; or
      (2)   Scheduled public hearings, or bid lettings, at the time stated in the notice.
(Prior Code, § 2.03)