On the following streets and highways the prima-facie speed limits shall be as follows:
   (a)   On Route 7 southbound, from the north corporation line to the Fort Steuben Bridge, fifty miles per hour.
   (b)   On Route 7 northbound, from the junction of Routes 7 and 22 to the north corporation line, fifty miles per hour.
   (c)   On Railroad Avenue, twenty miles per hour.
   (d)   On Parkview Circle, fifteen miles per hour.
      (Ord. 1960-129. Passed 12-30-60.)
   (e)   Speed on Stony Hollow Boulevard for trucks having a weight of two tons, unloaded, and traveling in an easterly direction, shall be twenty miles per hour. (Ord. 72-205. Passed 10-3-72.)