The Law Director is hereby authorized to institute any appropriate civil action he deems necessary in the name of the City, in the Court of Common Pleas to recover reimbursement from all convicts and individuals otherwise incarcerated in the City jail, County jail or any other facility, the incarceration in which or admission to which renders the City, liable for the care, maintenance or support of such individuals for the costs of confinement as determined by a court pursuant to Ohio R.C. 2929.15 or Section 183.02, as well as any other costs and/or expenses reasonably necessary for the care of prisoners.
Any action brought pursuant to the authorization of this section shall be commenced within one year after the person has been released from confinement and all amounts recovered pursuant to this section shall be paid into the General Fund of the Municipality.
(Ord. 1985-201. Passed 10-8-85.)