The Fair Housing Practices Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
   (a)   Apply and enforce the provisions of this chapter, as well as the terms and provisions as contained in Ohio R.C. Chapter 4112, and in addition thereto, the terms and provisions of Title VIII of the Fair Housing Act as enacted by the United States Congress, and the terms and provisions of Executive Order No. 11063, entitled "Equal Opportunity in Housing" and issued November 24, 1962.
   (b)   Receive, investigate and pass upon written charges made under oath of practices prohibited by the terms and provisions of this chapter, as well as any practices prohibited by either the Ohio Revised Code or acts of Congress as the same may from time to time be amended.
   (c)   Cause to be made in conjunction with the Planning and Zoning Commission periodic surveys of the existence and effect of discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity or military status, on the enjoyment of fair housing practices by persons within the City.
   (d)   Report from time to time but not less than once a year to the legislative authority and the Mayor describing in detail the investigations, proceedings and hearings conducted and the outcome thereof, decisions rendered and other work performed by the Commission, which report shall include a copy of any surveys prepared by the Commission, which report shall include a copy of any surveys prepared under the terms and provisions of this chapter, as well as recommendations of the Commission as to any remedial action, whether legislative or otherwise, that may be required to be undertaken by the City.
   (e)   Provide informational material to the City Board of Education to assist the Board in setting up instructional programs designed to eliminate prejudice on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity or military status in this City, and to further goodwill among such groups to emphasize the origin of prejudice against such groups, its harmful effects and its incompatibility with American principles of equality and fair play.
   (f)   The Fair Housing Practices Commission, in addition to the foregoing powers, may:
      (1)   Meet and function at any place within the City that is conducive to enabling it to perform the powers and duties set forth therein.      
      (2)   Initiate and undertake on its own motion investigations of problems of housing discrimination.
      (3)   Take statements from witnesses, compile evidence and provide such information as is necessary and proper to the Police Prosecutor of the City for prosecution of any violation of this chapter.
      (4)   Hold hearings and take the testimony of any person dealing with the investigation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
         A.   In conducting a hearing, the Commission shall have the right to request a person called before it to bring all reasonable times, any records, documents or other evidence or sources of evidence in his/her possession which may enable the Commission to make a fair and accurate determination of possible violations of this chapter.
         B.   Any findings of the Fair Housing Practices Commission against any person, firm or corporation may be appealed to a court of competent jurisdiction as hereinafter set forth through the provisions of this chapter.
            (Ord. 2012-88. Passed 10-23-12.)