169.03 DUTIES.
   The duties of the Wrestling Commission shall be to supervise all wrestling exhibitions held in the City, to make and enforce rules and regulations governing such exhibitions, and to provide rules and regulations for the prevention of any indecent, immoral or disorderly conduct, for the preservation of peace and order and for the prevention of any unnecessary noise and disturbance in connection with such exhibitions.
   The Commission shall make and may amend, alter or repeal such rules as it may deem necessary in the public interest to regulate and control the contestants and the conduct of wrestling exhibitions.
   The Commission may supervise and/or fine any promoter, manager, second or participant or any other person connected with such exhibition pursuant to its rules.
   The Commission's powers shall also include the right to cooperate and affiliate with State, regional and national associations exercising disciplinary control over wrestlers and the promoters, seconds, managers and officials connected therewith.
   The members of the Commission shall have the right to attend all such wrestling exhibitions and shall be entitled to two passes each for such exhibitions, and it shall be the duty of at least one member of the Commission to be present at each such exhibition or contest. (Ord. 1961-44. Passed 4-18-61; Ord. 1984-6. Passed 1-31-84.)