(a) Full-time Employees. In addition to present wages, all full-time City employees are to receive longevity pay based on years of service.
(b) Computation of Service Time.
(1) Employees' time, where there is no discontinuity of service, is transferable within and to all departments of the City.
(Ord. 1965-31. Passed 2-9-65.)
(2) Time of service is to begin with the anniversary date of employment of the employee. Time of service for longevity pay purposes is further to be construed such that in the event the employee's anniversary date at any time during the year falls within the next scheduled longevity pay schedule, such employee shall be entitled to payment of longevity according to the next scheduled longevity pay classification. Where there has been a discontinuity of service, the last anniversary date of hiring is to be date used for commencement of service.
(Ord. 1967-17. Passed 1-17-67.)
(c) Schedule: Longevity pay for all full-time employees of the City, fire chief and police chief shall be based, paid and set according to the following schedule for completion of service for the City as follows:
Years of Service | Longevity Pay (monthly) |
0-4 | No additional pay |
Over 4 | $4.00 per month for each month of service. |
After 30 | No additional pay |
Years of Service for Fire & Police Chief | Longevity Pay (monthly) |
0-4 | No additional pay |
Over 4 | $4.25 per month for each month of service. |
After 30 | No additional pay |
Union employees of the City are governed by the longevity pay provisions of their respective union contracts.
(Ord. 2018-17. Passed 3-13-18.)
(d) Effective Date. Such schedule for the foregoing employees shall take effect July 16, 1996.
(Ord. 1996-61. Passed 7-16-96.)
(e) Promotion of Payments. Longevity payments are to be prorated into semiannual payments, one-half to be paid on July 15 of each year and one-half on December 15 of each year, commencing July 15, 1965.
(f) Exceptions. Elected officials and part-time employees and school guards are excluded from the terms of this section.
(Ord. 1965-31. Passed 2-9-65.)