(a)   When proper vouchers supported by detailed records are presented to the Director of Finance he or she shall pay the person presenting the same for use of his or her personal automobile on official City business at the current rate as established by the State of Ohio for each mile traveled. For other forms of transportation, cost shall not exceed actual cost of transportation, tax fares, tolls, and similar items incident and necessary to the performance of official business.
   (b)   For all reimbursement expenses, the employee must obtain detailed receipts for incurred expenses and submit them along with a City Reimbursement Request form to the Finance Department. Officers and employees of the City shall be entitled to reimbursement of other expenses incurred by them while authorized City business upon submission of to the Director of Finance properly detailed expense statements showing the amount of meals, parking, hotels (standard room - one king or two queen if possible), and other expenses. Actual detailed receipts shall be required for such expenses. Reimbursements for meals shall not exceed forty dollars ($40.00) per day per officer or employee. The City will only reimburse up to fifteen percent (15%) for tips.
   Employees are responsible for making their own airfare reservations using their personal debit/credit card. Air travel arrangements should be made well in advance, as airfare booked early can often be obtained at a much lower rate. All Air travel is restricted to coach economy on regularly scheduled commercial airlines.
   Employees are responsible for making their own hotel reservations using their personal debit/credit card to hold the room and cover any incidentals. The City will reimburse the employee the cost of the room and any parking fees charged by the hotel to the room. If the hotel will accept a City issued check, the City will pay the vendor directly. The City is tax-exempt, and all employees should verify with the hotel they are not charging sales tax.
   Unauthorized expenses include but are not limited to alcohol, movies, fines for traffic violations, and meals for spouses or guests.
   (c)   When expenses incurred during travel outside the City are to be charged wholly or in part to a Title 1 project, i.e., a Federally-assisted urban renewal activity, authorization for such trip must be secured from the City Manager. In addition, that portion of out-of-town expenses related to transportation must be justified in terms of comparable cost of the travel by a common carrier, where common carrier service is available, or in terms of other substantial advantages for a Title 1 project. Reimbursement on a mileage basis may not be substituted for the actual cost of transportation when a common carrier is used.
(Ord. 2020-28. Passed 6-2-20.)