(a) All full-time employees of the City shall be entitled to accumulate sick leave of fifteen days per year. Union employees of the City are governed by the sick leave provisions of their respective union contracts.
(Ord. 2018-17. Passed 3-13-18.)
(b) Employees may use sick leave upon approval of the responsible administrative officer of the employing unit for absence due to personal illness, pregnancy, injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees, and to illness, injury or death in the employee's immediate family.
(Ord. 1978-113. Passed 6-20-78.)
(c) (1) When sick leave is used it shall be deducted from the employee's credit on the basis of one hundred percent (100%) of the regular rate of pay.
(Ord. 1986-58. Passed 4-15-86.)
(2) All employees of the City shall be entitled to have sick leave computed for purposes of determining eligibility for overtime pay.
(3) Employees having sick leave credits remaining at the end of each calendar year shall have an option of cashing in those credits at the rate of one day's pay for each two days remaining out of the upfront days credited at the beginning of the year, as provided in subsection (a) hereof or having such unused sick days carried over to the next succeeding year to be credited to the employee's account. Such election shall be made in writing to the Director of Finance. (Ord. 1984-196. Passed 12-3-84.)
(d) The proper appointing authority of each employing unit within the City shall require an employee to furnish a satisfactory written, signed statement to justify the use of sick leave. If medical attention is required, a certificate stating the nature of the illness from a licensed physician shall be required to justify the use of sick leave. Falsification of either a written signed statement or a physician's certificate shall be grounds for disciplinary acting including dismissal. (Ord. 1978- 113. Passed 6-20-78.)
(e) (1) Any employee of the City who becomes temporarily or permanently disabled as the result of injuries sustained while employed, shall be entitled to time off with full pay during the time in which the disability continues without having such time off credited to vacation time or to sick time, subject however, to a maximum time of thirty days in which such employee of the City shall receive his pay.
(2) In the event that any employee of the City receives pay as set forth in subsection (e)(1) hereof for the maximum time of thirty days, then such employee shall no longer be entitled to receive his full pay unless the employee files an application with Council requesting an extension of such pay for a longer period of time. In order to support such application, such employee of the City may have a representative of his choosing assist him in the request and Council will not unreasonably withhold an extension of such benefits.
(Ord. 1984-196. Passed 12-3-84.)
(f) Any employee of the City, becoming disabled and using the provisions of subsection (e) hereof shall be required to present to the appointing authority certification from the attending physician of the disabled employee, certifying to the fact that the employee is disabled, that the disability occurred as a result of injuries sustained in the line of duty and whether or not such disability is permanent or partial, and in the event such disability is of a partial nature whether or not the injured person is capable of performing any type of work, and the kind of work able to be performed.
(g) In the event that the disabled employee is certified by the attending physician as being partially disabled, and in the event that the attending physician shall certify that the disabled employee is able to perform certain light work, then the employee shall be required during the period of partial disability to perform whatever services are permitted by the attending physician during the period of disability.
(h) In the event that any employee of the City shall become permanently or partially disabled while in the line of duty, such person shall be required to file his or her application for benefits with the Worker's Compensation Fund of the State of Ohio, for approval of benefits as soon as physically able to do so. Upon approval of benefits to the injured person, such person shall be required to pay back to the City any moneys over and above what was paid to the injured person in excess of the regular rate of pay during the period of disability.
(i) In the event that the disability of an employee of the City, shall be of a permanent nature, to the extent that such permanency means total disability that will prevent the disabled employee from returning to work, the City will pay benefits as hereinabove set forth until such time as the employee is declared eligible for total disability benefits at which time, such benefits from the City shall cease.
(j) The City reserves the right at any time to request a physical examination of the injured employee by a physician of the City's choosing. (Ord. 1978-113. Passed 6-20-78.)
(k) (1) Employees with a minimum of ten years of continuous service with the City shall, upon retirement be entitled to reimbursement of accumulated and unused sick leave at a rate of fifty percent (50%) of their regular rate of pay for all sick leave accumulated prior to November 20, 1984.
(2) Employees with less than ten years of continuous service with the City as of November 20, 1984 shall be entitled upon retirement to one-fourth of the accumulated and unused sick leave up to a maximum of one-fourth of 120 days.
(Ord. 1984-196. Passed 12-3-84.)
(Ord. 1984-196. Passed 12-3-84.)
(l) If an employee has exhausted all of his or her accrued sick leave hours, other City employees may donate their unused accrued sick leave hours to said employee with approval of the donated time being approved by the City Manager. Hours donated by an employee cannot exceed eighty (80) hours. To receive donated sick leave from other employees, the employee must exhaust all of their accrued sick leave, vacation time and compensatory hours.
(Ord. 2018-17. Passed 3-13-18.)