(a)   (1)   All full-time nonunion officers and employees of the City with the exception of department head employees shall receive vacations with pay in accordance with the following table:
Length of Service
(years inclusive)
Length of Vacation
1 to 5
Over 5 to 10
Over 10 to 15
Over 15 to 20
Over 20 to 25
Over 25 to 30
Over 30 or more
      (2)   All full-time nonunion department head employees shall receive vacations with pay in accordance with the following table with the first year prorated depending upon the starting date of the employee:
Length of Service
(years inclusive)
Length of Vacation
0 to 5
Over 5 to 10
Over 10 to 15
Over 15 to 20
Over 20 to 25
Over 25 to 30
30 or more
      (Ord. 2014-103. Passed 9-2-14.)
   (b)    The terms of this section shall provide, intend, mean and be construed that an employee's continuous service with the City shall be determined for vacation purposes as of January 1. However, if such employee remains in the City's employment through his anniversary date and at that time falls into the next vacation classification period according to the above schedule he shall be entitled to additional time off between that date and December 31 of that year.
(Ord. 1967-11. Passed 1-17-67.)
   (c)    The department heads shall arrange a schedule for granting of vacations so as not to interfere with the working of the department. (Ord. 1969-49. Passed 4-1-69.)
   (d)    All vacation rights and periods granted under this section must be used by the employee in the manner and in the year the same fall due. Vacations, if not used within the year in which it falls due, cannot accrue to the next year.
(Ord. 1970-104. Passed 6-28-70.)
   (e)   All non-union full-time officers and non-union employees of the City of Steubenville who are hired after the passage of this section shall be limited to five (5) weeks’ vacation once they attain fifteen (15) years of service with the City, and their yearly vacation accrual shall be capped at five (5) weeks’ vacation per year for any length of service past fifteen (15) years. Union employees of the City are governed by the vacation provisions of their respective union contracts.
(Ord. 2014-10. Passed 3-4-14.)