(a) The Section of Engineering shall perform the following duties:
(1) Formulate, prepare, administer and execute the capital improvements program.
(2) Formulate, administer, inspect and supervise contractor services to the City where such work is to be executed in accordance with a set of engineering drawings and specifications.
A. Street and highway system.
B. Storm and sanitary sewer system.
C. Water distribution system.
D. Electrical distribution system.
E. Gas distribution system.
F. Communications system.
(3) Perform liaison services between consulting engineers and the City Administration.
(4) As requested by the City Manager: prepare engineering drafts, plans and drawings; conduct engineering investigations of relevant City problems; and render engineering advice and assistance to Council, the City Manager and various City departments.
(5) Establish and maintain pertinent records, engineering drawings, specifications and maps.
(6) Perform such other duties as the City Manager may prescribe to the working foreman.
(b) The Section of Building Inspection shall perform the following duties:
(1) Enforce all applicable laws and City ordinances regulating building, housing, zoning, plumbing, electrical, heating and air-conditioning installations within the City, including the Ohio Basic Building Code for all authorized occupancies.
(2) Receive permit and certificate applications; review plans, drawings and specifications for compliance with applicable law and City ordinances pertaining to the subjects set forth in subsection (b)(1) hereof, and issue permits and certificates when such applications, plans, drawings and specifications meet the requirements of and conform to applicable law and the City's Building, Housing and Zoning Codes; revoke permits and certificates for violation of the Building, Housing and Zoning Codes or commence other appropriate action to correct, restrain or remove such violation.
(3) Provide the Director of Finance with copies of all building, housing and zoning permits and certificates and such other record of changes which would affect the assessed valuation of buildings and improvements.
(4) Make inspections as required under the Building, Housing and Zoning Codes.
(5) Keep accurate records of all applications, permits and certificates issued, inspections made, reports rendered and orders and notices issued until disposal is authorized pursuant to Chapter 177.
(6) Perform such other duties as the City Manager may prescribe to the working foreman.