The City Manager shall act as Purchasing Agent and perform the following duties:
(a) Make all purchases required by the various departments, divisions, offices, sections and units of the City government in conformity with the control procedures established for that purpose. All open market purchases shall whenever possible be based on competitive bids and shall be awarded to
the lowest and best responsible bidder. Purchases or contracts involving an expenditure of more than twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500) and less than the amount specified by the Charter requiring authorization by ordinance and formal advertisement and bidding, shall be made only after obtaining informal quotations from three or more qualified vendors.
(b) Operate and maintain the storage facilities of the City and such stock control records as are necessary for the proper inventory.
(c) Prepare or obtain and maintain standard specifications for materials, supplies and equipment whenever practicable.
(d) Keep informed and maintain records as to the sources of supply for all classes of purchases, bids and price quotations, and other related items.
(e) Assist the Department of Finance in keeping inventory records of all equipment and major items of supplies owned by the City and in making periodic inventories.
(f) Conduct emergency purchasing in accordance with procedures approved by the Charter, ordinance or State law when formal procurement is impracticable.
(g) Sell unused or worn out, surplus or obsolete equipment and materials when identified as such by proper authority and in accordance with Section 121.04.