The provisions of Part One of the Codified Ordinances shall be known and designated as the "Administrative Code" of the City of Steubenville. The Administrative Code shall implement the Charter of the City of Steubenville, and the provisions thereof shall be so construed. Should any provision of this Administrative Code be found to be in conflict with the Charter, the Charter provisions shall control. Any such conflict with the Charter shall render only the conflicting provisions of the Administrative Code invalid, and all other provisions of the Administrative Code shall remain in full force and effect.
   Administrative procedures shall be exercised in the manner prescribed in the Charter, or if not prescribed therein, in such manner as shall be provided by ordinance of Council, and when not prescribed in the Charter or provided by ordinance of Council, then such powers shall be exercised in the manner provided by the general laws of the State of Ohio until Council shall provide a different manner of exercising such powers.