The Director of Law shall, at the request of the chairman of any committee or any three members of Council, prepare ordinances or resolutions, if within the law, for presentation to the assembly. For the information of the assembly, the Director of Law shall inscribe upon every such ordinance or resolution the name of the person requesting the same.
Except in the event of extreme emergency situations, all proposed resolutions or ordinances which are to be considered by Council at a regular meeting of Council, shall be in the office of the Director of Law for preparation not later than Wednesday noon of the Wednesday immediately preceding the next regular meeting of Council. The Director of Law shall prepare the resolutions or ordinances and shall place the resolutions or ordinances in the office of the Council Clerk not later than 2:00 p.m. Friday immediately preceding the next regular meeting of Council, and the Council Clerk shall mail a copy of each ordinance or resolution to each member of Council not later than Friday, 5:00 p.m. immediately preceding the next regular Council meeting. (1947 Code, Appx.; Ord. 8383. Passed 9-28-54.)