(a)   The purpose of this policy is to provide a standard procedure for the relocation of newly hired overtime exempt level staff and to confirm with Uniform Guidance Policies that were recommended by the City’s external auditors. Under the general provisions of this policy, a written relocation and repayment agreement for relocations will be prepared by the Law Director Office and entered into with the new hire. The provisions of this policy will apply only to assignments and relocations that are planned to exceed twelve (12) months.
   (b)   The City will reimburse the newly hired employee reasonable amounts of relocation expenses incurred as a result of the relocation for distances that exceed 100 miles from the new employee’s current place of residence to the worksite.
   (c)   All relocation expenses must be incurred within ninety (90) days of the employee’s acceptance of the position. Expenses incurred after this period will not be reimbursed, unless approved by the City Manager (City Council if the new hire is accepting the City Manager position). No expenses will be paid directly to any vendor by the City. For all reimbursement expenses, the employee must obtain detailed receipts for incurred expenses and submit them along with a City Reimbursement Request form to the Finance Department.
   (d)   Approved Expenses.
      (1)   Household goods. The City will reimburse the actual cost of a rental truck, a two dolly, and fuel used during the move up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for one trip (without labor to load and unload the vehicle or insurance). The new hire may elect to use moving pods; however, the City will not pay for loading and unloading of the pods or the insurance on the pods/items being moved. The maximum amount to be reimbursed for the pods are one thousand dollars ($1,000) (includes any possible fuel charges the vendor may charge). The city will not reimburse storage fees. In the event the distance of the move exceed 1,000 miles, the City Manager (City Council if the new hire is accepting the City Manager position) may approve a reasonable exception not to exceed actual cost.
      (2)   Personal vehicle. Fuel for the relocation of one vehicle will be reimbursed at the actual cost for the move (one trip). The transportation of boats, recreational vehicles, and other specialty items of a similar nature will not be paid by the City. The new employee may attach a trailer to the moving vehicle or personal vehicle to transport vehicles and specialty items listed above during the move. The personal vehicle fuel reimbursement is in addition to the household goods reimbursement.
         The City assumes no liability for damages, injuries, or lost property.
   (e)   Repayment Provisions. If the employee resigns due to circumstances within his or her control, as determined by the City, within twelve (12) months of the hire date, the employee agrees to and will be subject to repayment of costs associated with the move, unless the employee and the City reach a mutual agreement.
(Ord. 2020-29. Passed 6-2-20.)